Prescribing Knowledge: Writing Books as a Doctor's Side Hustle

Nov 09, 2023


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Medicine and storytelling have been intertwined for ages. From Hippocratic writings to modern medical memoirs, doctors have always had unique experiences and insights to share. If you're a doctor considering writing a book as a side hustle, you're in esteemed company. Here's a guide to help you navigate the journey from conception to publication.


Why Writing a Book?

  • Share Expertise: As a physician, you have specialized knowledge that can be beneficial to other medical professionals, patients, or the general public.
  • Build Reputation: Publishing a book can solidify your position as an expert in your field.
  • Passive Income: Once published, a book can generate income without ongoing effort, especially if it gains traction or is used in educational settings.


Getting Started

  • Find Your Niche: Identify what you're passionate about. It could be a medical guide, patient experiences, medical ethics, or even a fictional medical drama.
  • Set a Writing Schedule: With your busy schedule, setting aside dedicated writing time is crucial.
  • Start Small: Consider beginning with articles, blogs, or short stories to hone your writing skills.


The Writing Process

  • Outline Your Book: Organize your thoughts into a clear structure, breaking down chapters or sections.
  • Seek Feedback: Share your draft with trusted colleagues or professional editors to get feedback.
  • Stay Updated: Medicine is ever-evolving. Ensure your content is current and evidence-based.


Publishing Your Book

  • Traditional Publishing: This route involves pitching your book to publishers or literary agents. They handle the production, distribution, and marketing but take a larger percentage of the profits.
  • Self-Publishing: Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or CreateSpace allow you to publish independently. This gives you more control and a higher profit margin but requires more effort in marketing.
  • Hybrid Publishing: A middle ground between traditional and self-publishing, hybrid publishers offer some services of traditional publishers but allow authors to retain more control.


Selling and Marketing

  • Build an Online Presence: Start a blog, engage on social media, or host webinars. This not only promotes your book but also establishes you as an authority in your field.
  • Offer Workshops or Lectures: Hosting workshops or lectures at medical conferences or schools can boost book sales.
  • Collaborate with Medical Institutions: If your book is educational, consider collaborating with medical schools or institutions for bulk purchases.
  • Seek Reviews: Encourage readers to leave reviews on platforms like Amazon or Goodreads. Positive reviews can significantly boost sales.
  • Price It Right: Research similar books in your niche to determine a competitive price.


Considerations and Challenges

  • Time: Writing a book is a considerable time investment. Balance it with your medical commitments.
  • Copyright and Ethics: Ensure patient confidentiality and seek permissions where needed. Also, consider copyrighting your work to protect against plagiarism.
  • Financial Investment: If you're self-publishing, you'll need to invest in professional editing, cover design, and marketing.



Writing a book as a doctor is a commendable endeavor, intertwining the realms of medicine and literature. While it demands dedication and effort, the rewards—be it the satisfaction of sharing knowledge, the potential financial gains, or the enhanced professional reputation—are profound. In the vast literary landscape, a doctor's authentic voice, backed by experience and expertise, is a valuable addition. If you've ever contemplated penning your medical journey, there's no better time than now.

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