Medical Surveys Side Hustle for Doctors

Nov 09, 2023


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In the demanding world of medicine, most doctors are no strangers to long hours and strenuous workloads. However, even amidst such busy schedules, many are finding ways to add supplementary income to their earnings. One increasingly popular avenue for this is participating in medical surveys. But what does this side hustle entail? Let’s dive in.


What is a Medical Survey Side Hustle?

Medical surveys are research tools used by various companies, research institutions, and organizations to gather insights and opinions from medical professionals on a variety of topics. These can range from new drug perceptions, medical device usability, treatment protocols, to even patient management practices. These surveys aim to tap into the expert knowledge of doctors to shape products, services, and policies in the healthcare industry.


The Work Involved

  • Participation: Once registered with a company offering medical surveys, doctors often receive email invitations based on their specialty or expertise. Participation is voluntary.
  • Answering Questions: The surveys can be short, taking only a few minutes, or longer, requiring a more in-depth response, potentially over 30 minutes.
  • Maintaining Confidentiality: It's crucial to ensure that patient confidentiality is upheld. Most surveys focus on doctors' opinions and expertise, so sharing patient-specific information isn't required.
  • Feedback & Reviews: Some surveys may ask doctors to review new medical tools, devices, or medications and give their professional feedback.


Companies Offering Medical Surveys

Several companies specialize in medical surveys. A few reputable ones include:

  • M3 Global Research: An international company that offers surveys to healthcare professionals across various specialties.
  • MedSurvey: A research company that connects healthcare professionals with organizations seeking medical insights.
  • Seramount: A strategic professional services firm that offers a platform for doctors to participate in medical surveys.
  • InCrowd: A dynamic platform that offers microsurveys, allowing for quick insights in real-time.


Potential Earnings

The amount a doctor can earn from participating in medical surveys varies based on several factors:

  • Survey Length & Complexity: Longer and more intricate surveys generally pay more. Payments can range from $10 for a brief survey to $200 (or even more) for more comprehensive ones.
  • Frequency: The more surveys a doctor qualifies for and completes, the more they can earn.
  • Specialty: Some specialties might be in higher demand, leading to more survey opportunities and potentially higher compensations.
  • Company: Different companies have varying pay scales. It's beneficial to sign up for multiple platforms to maximize opportunities.



Medical surveys present a unique side hustle opportunity for doctors. They not only provide a source of supplementary income but also allow doctors to impact the future of healthcare by sharing their invaluable insights. As with any opportunity, it's essential to research and find reputable companies to work with and ensure that the surveys align with one's professional and ethical standards.






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